
Author: Matt Carter

K Cups

Can I Use My 100% Kona Coffee In A Keurig Or Nespresso Maker?

I must confess, I do not own a Keurig nor a Nespresso machine. I have used pod systems in hotel rooms, Airbnb's, and have been...
Adding 100% Kona Coffee to Your Summer BBQ

Adding 100% Kona Coffee To Your Summer Bbq

Let us take a summer break from pursuing the perfect cup of coffee and look at a couple of nifty ways to include your favorite...
Boston Tea Party

Behind the Cup |July 7, 2022

How The Boston Tea Party Turned Americans Into Coffee Drinkers

It is December 16th, 1773, at Griffin’s Wharf in Boston. American colonists will no longer tolerate British taxation on goods to the colonies to help...
How is Coffee Decaffeinated?

Behind the Cup |June 2, 2022

How Is Coffee Decaffeinated?

If you have ever been told by your doctor it’s time to stop consuming caffeine, but you still love coffee, please don’t despair. Modern technology...
Why Grind Size Matters

The Art of Making Coffee |June 2, 2022

Why Grind Size Matters!

In a recent lecture I attended, it was explained that the United States “At Home” coffee industry was worth 17 billion dollars annually. Of that,...
Moms Secret Brew

Mom's Secret And Magical Coffee Brew

Month to month we have been on a journey to discover the joys of coffee and the intricacies of getting the most from our magic...
Tiramisu for You

Live Aloha , Recipes |May 2, 2022

This Tiramisu Recipe Will Change Your Life! (or At Least Your Mood)

Being a big fan of desserts, with a wife who is a professional baker, I have the luck of being able to try many different...
Siphon Brewed Coffee

Does Siphon Brewed Coffee Live Up To The Hype?

We have explored many different ways to make coffee in the course of the last year. We have examined French Press, Moka Pot, Pour Over,...
Big Island Foodie Favorites

Live Aloha |April 5, 2022

Foodie Favorites Of South Kona, Hawaii

Spring is in the air. The coffee flowers have bloomed again and the sweet scent of Kona snow perfumes the farm. We have also seen...
Kona Blends

Behind the Cup |March 3, 2022

What’s The Deal With Kona Blends?

First and foremost, please know that Greenwell Farms does not sell any Kona Blends under our label.  We roast only 100% Kona Coffee from many...
Hario V60

A Love Affair With The Hario V60

For over a year now we have collectively been on a quest to get the best from our coffee. We have reviewed a number of...
Kona Coffee with Your Sweetheart

Behind the Cup |February 3, 2022

Gifting 100% Kona Coffee To Your Sweetheart

My wife loves coffee. In particular, she loves 100% Kona Coffee. I work on a Kona coffee farm. It’s a perfect match. Thus, for the...
Mocha Cafe Latte

Recipes , The Art of Making Coffee |February 3, 2022

The Art Of The Mocha

In our continued Art of Making Coffee series, we bring you the art of the mocha.I love chocolate. I make no secret and have no...

Brewing How-Tos , The Art of Coffee |January 5, 2022

Aeropress Mania? Is It Real?

Happy New Year!If you regularly read this blog, you know that we are dedicated to the pursuit of exceptional coffee and avid seekers of tips...
Greenwell Farms Specialty Coffee and Mug

Brewing How-Tos , The Art of Coffee |December 1, 2021

Mastering The Chemex

In our never-ending quest to get the best from our coffee, no repertoire would be complete without mastery of a pour-over system. There are many...
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