
Author: Matt Carter

Kona Coffee Beans

Behind the Cup , Our Legacy |April 6, 2021

Why Kona Coffee Prices Rise

Having just undergone an adjustment in coffee prices for the farm, and struggling for over a year with production costs, hidden costs, market conditions, current...
Complexity of Caffeine

The Art of Making Coffee |April 6, 2021

Complexities Of Caffeine In Coffee

The complexities of Caffeine abound. In our Art of Making Coffee series, we've explored some of the more frequently asked questions about coffee and in...
coffee expenses

Behind the Cup |March 2, 2021

Writing Off Coffee Expenses

A blog about writing off coffee expenses? That can only mean one thing. It is tax season! That mysterious season where working-class Americans send their...
coffee subscriptions

The Art of Making Coffee |March 2, 2021

How Coffee Subscriptions Changed My Life

Coffee Subscriptions changed your life? Really? Aren’t you being a little dramatic? Stay with me and I will explain that in fact, it is absolutely...
storing coffee

The Art of Making Coffee |February 2, 2021

General Tips For Storing Your Coffee

We are exploring some basics this year and on my list of top ten commonly asked questions is: How should I be storing my coffee?...
President Coffee

Behind the Cup |February 2, 2021

10 Intriguing Presidential Coffee Habits

When you deal with specialty coffee every day it is always a treat to learn who enjoys that coffee. That includes everyone from our daily...
French Press Morning

Behind the Cup |January 5, 2021

7 Coffee Resolutions To Expand My Specialty Coffee Knowledge

Happy New Year! We raise our coffee mug to you and wish you health and joy in 2021 and hope your year is blessed.  I...
Whole Bean vs Ground Coffee

The Art of Making Coffee |January 4, 2021

Whole Bean Vs. Ground Coffee

On an almost daily basis, we are asked if it is better to buy coffee in the whole bean or in ground form.  Seemingly, it...
Espresso Roast Holiday Drinks

Behind the Cup , Product Spotlight , Recipes |December 16, 2020

5 Super Satisfying Holiday Espresso Roast Coffee Drinks

Christmas is my favorite Holiday hands down, and special dinners, drinks, decorations, and Holiday music take over my house for at least four weeks every...
Poisettias in Hawaii

Live Aloha |December 1, 2020

What You Never Knew About Poinsettias

If you have ever driven through the Kona Coffee Belt between Halloween and New Year’s, there is a good chance your eyes were drawn to...
Lei of Appreciation

Live Aloha |November 18, 2020

Thanksgiving As A Way Of Life

Giving Thanks Giving thanks for the people and things in our lives is a noble and uplifting practice. As the Thanksgiving Holiday arrives this year,...
Greenwell Farms Kona Coffee Farm

Behind the Cup |November 1, 2020

10 Next Level Coffee Facts To Wow Your Barista

Amongst coffee facts, there many things that are common knowledge, and other things that are not so well known.  Today let's look at some of...
Cats & Coffee

Live Aloha |October 28, 2020

Cats And Coffee (no, Really, It's A Thing!)

As Halloween approaches and I enjoy the various decorations scattered throughout the neighborhoods on my drive home, I am struck by a giant inflatable black...
Autumn in Hawaii

Behind the Cup |October 14, 2020

Autumn Harvest Season On A Kona Coffee Farm

The sun is setting earlier and rising later. The birds are starting to migrate to warmer climes.   Somehow the air feels different and the nights...
International Coffee Day

Behind the Cup |September 29, 2020

Reflections On International Coffee Day

America celebrates National Coffee Day on Sept 29th and a couple days later the world celebrates International Coffee Day on October 1st. For most people,...
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