
Live Aloha , Recipes |June 18, 2020

100% Kona Coffee Macadamia Nut Brownies

Learn my secret formula for a perfect Father’s Day and how to make 100% Kona Coffee Macadamia Nut Brownies.  My gift to you for this upcoming Father’s Day.

Studies that follow credit card purchases show mass concentration at sporting goods stores and liquor stores 48 hours before Father’s Day. The mad scramble to get Dad something cool sends panicking shoppers to “Gift Ideas for Dad” websites filled with lists of gadgets, Bar & BBQ accessories, logo-ed sportswear, and craft beer or specialty coffee subscriptions.

When my children ask me what I want for Father’s Day, I honestly can’t think of anything (because a $1,200 wood chipper and a $2,400 Les Paul Custom aren’t within the realm of possibility). Further, the role of Dad, which I do take seriously, puts me as the giver, the provider, the one who shoulders the weight of the family burden. On top of that, when I need something, I will find a way to get it myself. So, I usually reply with, “I don’t need anything,” or “Save your money” or “Just get something for yourself.”

I don’t claim to speak for all men, and I don’t believe all men are the same, but, in my experience, men are pretty simple when it comes down to it. I think the old adage goes, “Women spend more time wondering what men are thinking than men do thinking.”

Let me give you an example from the Simpsons. Homer has a near-death experience and vows that from this day forward he will live life to the fullest. In the next scene, he is laying on the sofa watching bowling on TV and eating a bag of pork rinds. Hilarious, and one version of living life to the fullest.

The idea though, to be able to forget everything for a moment, to relax with no thoughts of past or future, no items on the to-do list makes men happy. 

I have also come to believe that men tend to focus on the task at hand to the exclusion of everything else. Our brains are hard-wired this way. When my wife and I sit down at a restaurant, she’s checking out the scene, looking who else is there, wondering how she looks, noticing my shirt is wrinkled, thinking about the kids, and I am looking at the menu wondering what to eat. Men are likely to be focused on what’s in front of them at the moment. When that focus is pleasurable, Dad is happy.

One more. I can say without exception that the thing all men share is that we are human. Humans are varied and complex in endless ways but human nonetheless. That means we are riddled with feelings, emotions, flaws, and fronts. Each man will react and reveal in different ways but words like, “I love you,” “Thanks, Dad,” “You’re the best” do indeed penetrate his humanity.

Knowing that men crave moments of peace, are focused on what’s in front of them and do appreciate the warm sentiment, here is my advice. If you are a kid able to read this, here is the sure-fire way to give your Dad an incredible Father’s Day.

How To Give Your Dad an incredible Father’s Day

1. When he wakes up in the morning and after he has had his (100% Kona) coffee, tell him that he doesn’t have to do anything today. Don’t hint it, don’t make caveats, lay it out in straight terms, so there is no confusion and give him permission to use his time anyway he desires without guilt.

2. Try to make him laugh several times throughout the day. Viral videos, jokes, remembering funny stories, Youtubing epic fails, his focus on those lighter moments will lift his soul in unseen and unimaginable ways. Don’t overdo it, but a father sharing laughter with his family is in his most joyous state.

3. Make Brownies. In this case 100% Kona Coffee Macadamia Nut Brownies!) Fill the house with the scent of baking brownies, when they are ready, give Dad a hug with some kind words (I love you forever) and everyone gathers around to eat brownies. Sharing a plate of fresh-baked brownies for no other reason than “bliss” will fill his heart with warmth.

That’s it. A brief respite, laughter, love, and brownies. Dad will sleep with a big smile. I am so sure this will be the best Father’s Day ever; I will share my favorite Kona Coffee Brownie recipe with you. These are ooey-gooey café style brownies. If your Dad doesn’t eat Kona Coffee Brownies I can’t help you.

100% Kona Coffee Macadamia Nut Brownies

  • 8 oz. Butter (2 Sticks)
  • 1 & 3/4 Cups of Sugar
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1/2  Cup unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 1 Tbs. Vanilla
  • 1 Tbs. of very finely ground 100% Kona Coffee Dark Roast
  • 1/3 cup of All-Purpose flour
  • 1/3 Cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 Tsp. of Salt
  • 1/3 Cup of Dark chocolate chips
  • 1/3 cup of Unsalted Roasted Mac Nuts (Broken into pieces)



1. Pre-Heat Oven to 350

2. In a bowl combine melted butter, sugar, eggs. cocoa powder, vanilla, and Kona Coffee grounds. Whisk together until creamy.

3. Add flour, salt, chocolate chips, and nuts. Whisk together.

4. Lightly spray a 9 X 13-inch pan with non-stick spray (or rub with oil and paper towel).

5. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

6. Because these are a type of fudge brownie and will be very soft, after cooling to room temperature, set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to slightly harden.


Happy Father’s Day!

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