
Coffee with Tom Greenwell |April 6, 2023

Episode 4: The Ins And Outs Of Coffee Grading

Watch the previous episodes here

Episode 1: Facing Future
Episode 2: Talking About the Family Farm
Episode 3: All About 100% Kona Coffee Grafting

One thought on “Episode 4: The Ins and Outs of Coffee Grading

  1. Diane Pesarsick says:

    Aloha! Absolutely LOVE these videos! So educational and always enjoy seeing Mr. Greenwell and his beautiful Kona coffee farm! After touring the farm last December and falling in love with the best coffee in the world I’ll never drink a cup from anywhere else! It was the best tour we could have ever imagined and Dave was so awesome answering questions and making it the highlight of our trip to the Big Island! Thank you for shipping out the coffee so quickly for online orders. Love the new packaging! Can’t wait to come back to visit you all again some day!!

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